Nieuw Kunstwerk op de DAM
Site specifica art action van robert pennekamp: alweer nieuwe kunst op de dam
Public Art Fund
The public art fund is a non-profit arts organization that presents the work of contemporary artists in new york's public spaces. the public art fund, over the past twenty years, has acted as a facilitator and advocate for artists and their work. by bringing new artworks into the public realm, the public art fund provides a unique forum and support structure for artists to realize their artistic vision, while simultaneously increasing public access to contemporary art.
Stichting Kunst Openbare Ruimten
Actueel, skor ontwikkelt kunstprojecten in relatie tot de openbare ruimte door middel van advies en financiƫle ondersteuning.
ruysdaelkade 2
1072 ag amsterdam
t 020 - 672 25 25
f 020 - 379 28 09
abonneer u hier op de skor nieuwsbrief
Stroom den haag is een actief centrum voor beeldende kunst en architectuur.